Dr. Augustus Kyalo Muli vs. Kalonzo Musyoka: Power Struggle Over IEBC Selection Panel Heats Up

By irene 

The battle for control over the IEBC selection panel has thrust Dr. Augustus Kyalo Muli, leader of the National Liberal Party (NLP), into the national spotlight, pitting him against Wiper leader Kalonzo Musyoka in a high-stakes political rivalry.

Dr. Muli’s surprise victory in securing the Political Parties Liaison Committee (PPLC) slot, defeating Kalonzo-backed Amb. Dr. Koki Muli by 16 votes to 7, has not only shaken Azimio’s internal dynamics but also challenged Kalonzo’s dominance over Ukambani politics.

What began as a relatively obscure contest has evolved into a contentious standoff. Wiper’s efforts to block Dr. Muli’s representation on the IEBC selection panel have backfired, amplifying his profile and raising questions about Kalonzo’s motives.

With Kenya lacking a fully constituted IEBC, concerns about potential governance crises loom large. While Kalonzo insists on a partisan approach, pushing for allies like Dr. Koki Muli to secure influence ahead of the 2027 elections, Dr. Muli’s independent stance threatens to disrupt the status quo.

The urgency of resolving this impasse cannot be overstated. For the sake of democracy, Kenyans must advocate for the swift establishment of an impartial IEBC commission, free from personal and political interests. This standoff is no longer about individuals but about safeguarding the integrity of Kenya’s electoral process.

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