Immense Investment Opportunities in Northern Kenya Highlighted as Key to Peace and Development

By irene Mwende 

Elgeyo Marakwet, Mandera, and Marsabit Counties Identified for Transformative Peace-Positive Investments

Nairobi, October 4, 2024—Investors are being urged to capitalize on the vast investment opportunities in Northern Kenya, which could significantly boost development in marginalized regions. A new report by international peacebuilding organization Interpeace outlines how peace-positive investments in counties like Elgeyo Marakwet, Mandera, and Marsabit could unlock the region's economic potential and close the development gap with the rest of the country.

The research revealed that these counties are rich in natural and artificial resources, offering promising prospects in sectors such as agriculture, livestock, fisheries, trade, infrastructure, renewable energy, manufacturing, mining, and tourism. The region's vast open land is optimal for large-scale irrigation and agribusiness, while its strategic location along the borders of Somalia and Ethiopia provides valuable cross-border market opportunities.
Teresia Mbaika, Principal Secretary in the State Department for Devolution, emphasized that sustainable public-private investment partnerships can unlock untapped resources and address conflict drivers in these regions. She noted that such investments would foster stability, self-reliance, and long-term prosperity by reducing social and conflict risks.

“The nexus between peace, development, and investment is clear. Without peace, there can be no development, and vice versa. By focusing on peace-positive investments, Northern Kenya can be transformed into a region of progress and opportunity,” Mbaika said.

The call for peace-aligned investments was made during a multi-stakeholder event organized by Interpeace. Attendees included representatives from financial institutions, embassies, government agencies, and civil society, all discussing strategies to ensure that future investments in Kenya are shaped by peace and development priorities.

Ambassador Amina Mohammed, a member of the Interpeace Governing Board, stressed the importance of inclusive investment strategies. She highlighted that integrating peace efforts into investment frameworks would reduce risks, enhance returns, and contribute to the long-term prosperity of Northern Kenya.
The report also identified key sectors with peace-positive investment potential. Livestock production and agriculture in Mandera and Marsabit stand out, alongside infrastructure projects in water management and energy. The fisheries sector around Lake Turkana also offers significant opportunities, with investments needed in cold chain facilities and fish landing sites to reduce post-harvest losses and improve livelihoods.

By focusing on these opportunities, Northern Kenya can pave the way for sustainable development and a more peaceful future.

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