Enock Alumasi Makanga appointed to represent Employers in the National Sector Skills Commission

By Irene Mwende 

Protective and Safety Association of Kenya National Chairman, Enock Alumasi Makanga was  appointed to represent Employers in the National Sector Skills Commission for all Service Sectors at the Ministry of Labour and Social Protection. 

 The Goal of the National Guidelines for Sector Skills Committee is to provide a framework for the establishment and operationalization of National Sector Skills Committee towards improving linkages between industry and skills Development.

 This is in line with the Executive Order No. 2 of 2023, which requires the country to have sector specific skills Councils.

The objectives of the Guidelines are to—
a). Establish well-structured and coordinated National Sector Skills Committees;
b). Enhance the governance and management of the National Sector Skills Committees;
c). Provide standards and guidelines applicable to all National Sector Skills Committees;
d). Provide a framework for monitoring and evaluation of the National Sector Skills Committees.

The standards of the Guidelines include—
1. Skills development policy advice: National Sector Skills Committees shall provide skills
development policy advice on issues pertinent to their sectors.
2. Skill requirements: National Sector Skills Committees shall specify sector skills requirements
to mitigate imbalances between skills supply and demand.
3. Curriculum and learning resources: Curriculum and learning materials shall be developed
in collaboration with National Sector Skills Committees.
4. Occupational standards: National Sector Skills Committees shall develop occupational
standards to ensure that skill levels match job requirements.
5. Labor market information: National Sector Skills Committees shall provide sectoral labour
market information to ensure that skills development is aligned to labour market trends.
6. Assessments and qualifications: The education and training assessment and qualification
system shall be developed and reviewed in collaboration with National Sector Skills
7. Quality assurance: The quality assurance system for education and training shall be
developed and implemented in collaboration with National Sector Skills Committees.
8. Work based learning: National Sector Skills Committees shall promote work based learning

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